Makosi Musambasi (Big Brother UK housemate) lives in
Nigeria and is dying to be a “star”.
Here is what Joy Isi Bewaji has to say about her;
So I came on board- we were introduced bya mutual
First she wanted PR for her TV show that was to debut on
DSTV, but then she got entangled in other activities. Four
months later and Makosi is back with that itch- to become
a superstar! She is unhappy that she is not on billboards,
endorsing brands, gracing the red carpet, surrounded by
swarm of fans falling all over her; she can’t understand
why I can’t get her VVIP tickets, why she is not on the
cover of Complete Fashion, why nobody knows her or
waves to her when she visits the mall. So I try to explain to
her that the Nigerian public would only find you worthy of
attention and respect if you build a proper brand- away
from reality TV sensationalism.
I gave her a few suggestions. She chose one of them- to
write her a book. I picked a title and theme. She loved it.
Then I set out to work. But I was obviously running out of
(her) time. Four weeks later and Makosi’s itch gets worse-
she wants the book out, and she wants it out NOW! But
books take time; I needed more time- a few more weeks;
but she would have none of that!
So I put together, in 10 days, an inspirational coffee-table
nugget book. We held a photo-shoot; at first Makosi said
she hated the pictures, then she said she liked them. It
was hard keeping up!
When I presented the nugget manuscript, she said she
liked it. A few days later, she hated it; screaming that I
should give it to some other celebrity- shouting and
fuming like a chimney for me to pay back her money. What
money? I had invested two months of my life in a project
she agreed on, if she suffers bipolar issues then that
cannot possibly be my fault. I believed the best thing was
to go back to the original script (the one she was too
impatient to wait for) and get it done. We were back to
square one!
She goes out of circulation. I try to reach her…try to get her
to explain her fluctuating disposition. But I couldn’t reach
her- for over one month!
I wake up on Saturday, the 28th of September, to find out
Makosi is the newest author in town. She published the
manuscript she had tossed out of the window literally, the
manuscript she said I should give to someone else;
because she had the material at her disposal and
continuously believes her money (wherever it is coming
from) can shield her from the wrath of the law, she
published my WORK without my consent or involvement.
She threw a bash with friends and celebrities as she
launched “her” book. The only problem is- the book isn’t
hers. She had rejected it, tossed it aside and said I should
give it to someone else; which I did.
Makosi will tell you she has connections and can buy her
way out of any situation…and in the same breath regale
herself on social media with Bible quotes. I do hope she
understands that, regardless of what anyone thinks,
Nigeria has a legal system that works, and I plan to make
the best use of it.
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