Wednesday 16 March 2016

Senate Throws Out Gender Equality Bill

Posted By: Yo Blog - 10:01:00


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The Senate has rejected a bill seeking to empower women politically and economically, as well as grant them  equal opportunities with men in diverse human endeavours.

The bill was sponsored by the Senate Minority Whip, Senator Biodun Olujimi (PDP, Ekiti South).

It was entitled, “A bill for an Act to Incorporate and enforce certain provisions of the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the Protocol of the
African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the rights of women in Africa, and other matters connected therewith, 2016 (SB. 116).

Those who opposed the bill argued that most of its provisions were in conflict with the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, the same reason given by lawmakers in the Seventh Senate, when similar bill was also rejected.

The proposal, which was scheduled to pass second reading, initially received the support of some senators but suddenly suffered a setback and finally died on the floor of the Chamber as the debate progressed.

The argument of those who opposed it was that it will contradict the provisions of the Sharia Court of Appeal which is part of the 1999 Constitution as amended.


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