Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Posted By: Yo Blog - 13:05:00


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All set for World's Biggest Communication Forum in Davos Switzerland  

All is set for the World’s biggest Communications Forum in Davos Switzerland from 8-9 March, 2016. Communication professionals, CEOs, representatives of ministries, global media practitioners and some of the world’s most influential PR and marketing communications personalities will get together to discuss the key trends in the field of global communications at the WCF Forum in Davos Switzerland.

The programme provides a diversified content and publicity opportunities for experts with out-of-the-box vision for the future of the industry. The participants will find out how to add meaning, integrate
interests, how to engage the globe with city storytelling, how to manage crisis periods on the social media, and much more.

The focus of this year’s edition of the forum will be on the global communication agenda. WCF-Davos’2016 includes a number of presently relevant/ controversial topics, among which are: Country Branding, Communications in the Arab world, Communicating Inter-Governmental Brands, Education in Communications, Global Tourism industry in the age of Communications. From digital evolution to robot revolution – humanity, communications, ethics, Quantity or Quality- What is your social media top priority? Revolutionizing Communications and How to be prepared for the future.

Among the speakers and moderators of the plenary panels are leading experts, such as:
Mustapha Khalfi, Minister of Communications and Spokesperson of the Government of Morocco, Scott Fahlman, Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, also known as “Father” of the smiley emoticon, Tanuja Kehar, Vice President Corporate Communications at Unitech in India, Solly Moeng, Managing Director of Don Valley in Soth Africa, Kate Thompson-Duwe, Managing Director of Amplicon Group in South Africa, Sean Gardner, co-Founder of the pioneering Huffington Post “Twitter Powerhouses Series”, Don Anderson, Chairman and co-Founder of the Asia Content Marketing Association and Regional Managing Director of We Are Social in Singapore, Saurabh Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire.

Traditionally, WCFDavos holds the Communications for Future (C4F) Davos Award. However, this time it offers up to 23 categories for recognition of remarkable creativity and unique vision of the future of communications, in two major groups of awards: Personal (individual communicators with a strong influence on global communications) and Corporate (companies setting the standards for effectiveness & professionalism).

Mustapha Khalfi, Minister of Communications of Morocco, stated that, “I have no doubt that the World Communication Forum is assured of its place in the history as a platform where new solutions for an exciting new world are being shaped”.

Paul Holmes, the PR industry guru worldwide and Founder of the Holmes Report, added: “No idea how they did it, but in just a few years the organizers have created the most lively, engaging and influential event in the industry. This forum is an absolute phenomenon!”
Dr Phill Osagie ( A renowned Global Strategist)

On March 8 and 9, parallel with the main forum, a session will be held for the first time, focused on global education in communications. WCFDavos | GlobEdu is intended for students and young communication professionals. During the two-day training session, participants will be grouped into several teams of 5 students and a senior university representative as a leader, with a real case study being assigned to each team. At the end of the training, a jury will evaluate and acknowledge the most effective strategy for dealing with the assignments.

WCFDavos 2016 is supported by exclusive partner agencies from all over the world: M3 Communications (Bulgaria), Kaiser Communication (Germany), Capital Communications (Hungary), CROS (Russia), Grou-AGAMA (Ukraine), Don Valley (South Africa), SPEM Communications (Slovenia), Manifesto Communications (Turkey), Cyber Gear (UAE), RADA Research & PR (Egypt), First House (Norway, DonValley (South Africa), Cyber Gear (UAE), Competence (Italy), The Story (Poland), JSP Communications (Nigeria), Depot WPF (Russia), Armenian Public Relations Association (APRA), PR Hub, The Place Brand Observer, PR Newswire, Sostav.ru , Facemark, LifeInterMidia and China International Public Relations Association (CIPRA).

The World Communication Forum in Davos (#WCFDavos) was inaugurated as an annual global professional event back in 2010. Since then, it has been traditionally held at the Davos Congress Centre in Switzerland as a platform for open dialogue between leading experts in the field of social, political and business communication. The Forum has become a respected international platform and the basis for formation of a global professional community that marks and creates key trends within the industry. The 6 editions have summoned managers from over 55 countries, across 5 continents, representing a variety of businesses.

About WCF Davos. WCF is an annual global event held at the Davos Congress Centre in Switzerland. Initiated by an International Coordinating Committee in 2010, it has united a great number of acknowledged professionals from 55 countries worldwide. Since its third annual edition in Davos, WCF has started expanding its global professional community with regional sessions held in some of the largest cultural centers and business capitals across Europe and Asia. The two-day conference covers the latest trendy areas and issues and outlines future tendencies in the global communications industry.
For more information: www.forumdavos.com
Valentina Atanasova, Project Manager of the World Communication Forum in Davos
Comms with Speakers & Committee, Partnerships, Website content, SM, PR
Mobile: (+359) 884435044, Skype: ataval.bg

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