Monday, 8 February 2016

She has been made a payporte ambassador | 4 things you should know about #Olajumoke- the Agege bread-seller turned model

Posted By: Yo Blog - 12:11:00


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The inspiring story of Olajumoke Orisaguna has moved Nigerians.

The ‘Agege bread-seller turned model’ tag has been stamped on her, since she fortunately made her way into British rap star Tinie Tempah’s now famous photo-shoot with ace photographer TY Bello, two weeks ago.

Here are 4 things you should know about Olajumoke- the former bread hawker from the Sabo market bakery.

1. She is happily married to a sliding-door installer and they have two children together.
2. She was a trained hairdresser back in Osun state but her family could not afford the necessary ‘freedom ceremony’- a passing out ritual that gives a trainee an unwritten permission to branch out and go solo.
3. She is set to start an internship at Make-me hair salon and has been offered an additional internship with Sari signature, a famous Lebanese owned salon on the island.
4. Olajunmoke has been offered a modelling contract and Payporte has also reached out to her to be model on their next billboard campaign.

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