Thursday, 18 February 2016

OMG Young Nigerian Star In London Threatens To Kill Self Over Life Difficulties & It’s No Joke

Posted By: Yo Blog - 14:51:00


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 OMG. Truly people go through a lot and sometimes it can be frustrating.

This young Nigerian talented chap boy has threatened to kill himself online. twyse_116 (both IG and twitter name) has gained a lot of followers since he started his comic videos online recently.

He has thousands of followers and every video has been a hit. But then, Twyse_116 with real name as Ereme says he is sorry he can’t continue any longer because life has not been fair to him, and the only way he can do it is to find a gun and kill himself right now.

Already, those who know him have contacted the police. But in truth, if you read his tweets on twitter
right now, you will probably cry too, He says the only people that have been there for him are his mom and his little brother and he is sorry he has to end it this way. He also praised his fans for standing by him saying he loves them. His tweets after the cut. The Lord will step into his boat.

 Read from the last tweet upwards. Only God knows where his dad is, these mothers single handledly training kids can be killing sometimes, she can only provide what she can. Hope men will keep their d*cks in their trousers and let innocent kids be.

A commenter said, his mom has been the only one there for them, how sad.

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