Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Now You Can Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts

Posted By: Yo Blog - 13:46:00


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Finally! Instagram has done it.

So here’s the full gist. While you were asleep, Instagram announced a new feature bundled with it’s most recent update. This new feature enables users of the photo sharing app to switch between multiple accounts without logging out. Now pause! Let the DJ play us a hit track, bring some fine wine, wear your best clothes and let’s party in celebration of this news. You think I’m dramatic? Well, maybe you have no idea how draining it is to manage more than one Instagram account.

Please break it down girl!
To enjoy this new feature, ensure your Instagram app is updated. That’s if you are an iOS or Andriod
user o…

To add an additional account, go to your profile settings.

P.S If you already know how to get to your Instagram profile settings, skip this. If you don’t, this should help. You know the three dots stacked on top of each other, usually displayed on the top-right corner of the tab where you see your profile on Instagram? Tap the dots. The page displayed thereafter will have “OPTIONS” written at the top-left corner…that’s your profile settings page :)

You will have to scroll right down your profile settings page to see the “Add Account” option. Tap “Add Account” and enter the login details of the additional Instagram account you want to add, proceed to sign-in.

When you’ve added one or more additional accounts, you can switch between them by tapping on your username which will be displayed at the top-left of your profile.

Okay o, so how will I know which account is active at any given time?
To make it easier for you to know which account you’re posting from, the app will show the profile photo of the currently active account at the bottom-right, throughout. Easy breezy yeah?

Hian! So how is this news sef?
Well this is big news for everyone who manages multiple Instagram accounts. Personally, I manage both my personal IG account and my food blog’s IG account (@longathroat). Before now, I’ve had to turn to third party applications to enable me manage all my accounts. With Instagram clamping down on Third Party applications and shutting most out by June this year, this new feature deserves a round of applause.

On the flip side though, its now easier for lily-livered people to throw hate comments around or diss people with their fake secondary accounts. Sigh! :(

Are you as excited as I am about this new instagram feature? What do you think of this new update? Share your thoughts, previous difficulty and experiences in the comments section below.

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