Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Her boyfriend makes fun of her appearance…Then she writes This to him on Facebook

Posted By: Yo Blog - 08:46:00


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Brittaney Lynn Shane, a girl from Alabama, U.S., was in a relationship with someone who pointed out her every flaw. She allowed him to dictate her hairstyle, her makeup, and even her weight. The girl couldn’t find the strength to leave the relationship behind.

Eventually, Brittaney was left for a “prettier” girl.

At this point, she could have turned down a dangerous path of self-hate and self-harm. But instead, Brittaney writes the perfect response to him on Facebook!

Scroll down to see the post that got everyone talking…

“You always told me I didn’t look good with long hair and that you preferred girls with short hair. So
I kept my hair cut above my shoulders at all times. You laughed at me and told me I looked ridiculous when I dyed my hair red when we were together. So a week later I dyed it back blonde.”

“You would always point out if I was wearing too much makeup. (Winged eyeliner and mascara most of the time) So I just stopped wearing it. You told me tattoos and piercings were tacky and ugly. And would try to take out my belly button ring every time you saw it. So I took out my piercings and didn’t get any more tattoos.

You pointed out my stretch marks every chance you got. So I did my best to keep them hidden.”
“You pointed out every time I looked like I had gained weight. So I started eating less every day. You pointed out every single flaw I had. So I lost every bit of confidence I had.

I did everything I could to be what you wanted. I did everything you told me to do. It still wasn’t good enough. You left me for a younger prettier girl. Someone you could mold and shape into what you wanted. Like you tried to do with me. And up until a few months ago I blamed myself for everything that happened. You blamed me too.

But finally I started to see the truth.”
“You weren’t out of my league. I was out of yours. I wasn’t the one who wasn’t good enough for you.

You were the one who wasn’t good enough for me. You couldn’t accept me for who I was. When I took you the way you were.”

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