Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Almost 40, Lonely And Bitter – Wizkid Shades Linda Ikeji (Photo)

Posted By: Yo Blog - 07:25:00


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Late last year, Linda did a report that the management of American Univerisity in Yola Adamawa paid Wizkid 8 million Naira to come and perform and Wiz Kid did not show up.

In fairness to Linda, somebody tagged her to the report on Twitter but she did not hear WizKid's own side of the story before going to press.

The report later turned out to be false as the school management debunked the report.

WizKid did not take kindly to that false report, he insulted the Blogger's family and herself too on his Twitter page.

Last month, Linda was the first blogger in the land to break the story of the arrival of Wizkid new
baby from her American baby mama, a report that Wiz Kid did not acknowledge nor deny.

On Sunday, Wizkid took the fight further by tweeting a link to an article about Linda Ikeji that addresses Linda Ikeji’s “poverty mentality”, captioning it “nice read”.

The article addresses Linda’s ‘poverty mentality’, which is what the writer chooses to call Linda’s obsession with reminding people that she is wealthy.

And in similar fashion, her fans followed suit in informing Wizkid that Linda was ‘richer’ than him.
“@wizkidayo @theNETng lol all ur earnings till u resign from music won’t get u up to her level. ��go to school first of all and get educated,” one Twitter user announced.

Yesterday afternoon, Linda Ikeji subtly shaded the singer using another article. In an article where rapper, The Game, stood up for his baby mama against an internet troll. She titled the article, “When Your Baby Daddy Is Not A ‘Deadbeat’…”.
This is in reference to an interview of Wizkid’s Baby Mama where his baby mama specifically called him a ‘deadbeat’.

Linda Ikeji further wrote in her article on The Game, “The Game swiftly responded, (unlike a deadbeat father who hasn’t started to cater for his child)”

The Ojuelegba crooner took to his snapchat account few hours ago to post this: "Almost 40, Lonely And Bitter" with the photo of the blogger to drive home his message.

Well, they said 2016 is going to be a year of drama so we are waiting.

Credit: Visage Media

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