Wednesday 27 January 2016

Joro Olumofin apologizes to Women for his Offensive Choice of Words during Instagram Outburst

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:06:00


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Socialite and psychologist Joro Olumofin took to social media today to apologize to women over his choice of words following his outburst on Instagram yesterday.

He wrote:

With reference to my recent outburst on instagram, the feedback I got from my readers (largely women) is that my choice of a few words were offensive and very much unlike me. For this I apologize- I am sorry.
I seize this opportunity to thank the numerous people from far and wide who via phone calls, emails and personal visits expressed their sympathy for the unwarranted assault on my person.
Thank you all for your support, encouragement and pledge of allegiance for the future.
God Bless

He has also since deleted all his posts.

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