Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Why You Should Never Use Sexual Enhancement Supplements

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:58:00


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Most men love to improve their sexual performances by using sexual enhancement supplements.
These supplements or pills dilate the blood vessels and make blood rush more into the penis during sexual stimulation. Most of the sexual enhancement supplements in addition to boosting sexual zeal and performance also help treat erectile dysfunction. Drugs like Viagra are approved and often prescribed to men. However, there are lots of products in the market with similar composition to Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. These drugs are many in the market and could be bought without a prescription. Thus, the use of sexual enhancement supplements have become a huge point of concern as it is difficult for one to judge their potentiality with reference to the health of the users.  Some of the common sexual enhancement supplements in the market are Rock Hard, Man Up Now, Herbal Mixtures and other pills.

Below are the risks accrued to the usage of sexual enhancement pills and other herbal mixtures.

The Use of Unknown Ingredients   

The Rock Hard for men is said to contain Tadalafil, a similar ingredient to Sildenafil of Viagra. Most of these sexual enhancement pills contain ingredients that aren’t known or tainted counterfeits of other products. In the production of these new drugs, illegal manufacturers search through patent applications for analogue compound that would have similar effects on the patients or consumers. Many of the chemicals they use haven’t been tested on animals; their sole aim is for profit maximization. Most men patronize these products without knowing the ingredients and the adverse effect they could have using them.

Interaction With Body System

Since it is difficult to ascertain the various ingredients used in the production of many of these sexual enhancement supplements, it becomes totally unsafe for the users. Each dose taken may contain more ingredients than stipulated; this would have lethal effect on the users. Overdose of these drugs have the ability to make older men have cardiac arrest while younger and agile men could slip into coma.

Drug Abuse

Erectile dysfunction could be a warning sign of a heart condition. People with diabetes, high B.P, high cholesterol, heart diseases often have nitrates in their prescribed drugs. These men often suffer erectile dysfunction. Taking sexual enhancement supplements or mixtures aimed at boosting their sexual activities could put them at risk.

Use Of Locally Made Sexual Formulas

The locally made sexual enhancers as alternative to the expensive Viagra carries as many risks as those pills. Sales of these products seem to boom when people see the products with labels on them. They assume they are safe and could be trusted. Most of these herbal mixtures are made with unknown ingredients and hardly come with prescription. Long term use of most of these unorthodox mixtures often results in kidney and liver problems.

Viagra itself contains Sildenafil which could cause hypotension; the lowering of the blood pressure to a dangerously low level, blue vision and eventually death. Many men are often warned to stay off certain medications as a result of their interaction with the blood pressure. However, taking sexual enhancement formulas or mixtures make them incur the same risk as they may contain the same active ingredients they tried avoiding in their medications. Since the intake of these drugs has everything to do with health, it would be wise to check out some of these unapproved products that are sold in order to avoid consuming them.

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