Monday, 9 November 2015

Blessing Effiom Egbe Talks About Her Sex Life

Posted By: Yo Blog - 11:49:00


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Nollywood actress and producer Blessing Effiom Egbe has spoken on the need for abstinence before marriage.

Vanguard reported that she sent the message on Sunday, November 7, to all her contacts on Blackberry.

She wrote: “In church today and guess what is being preached. A topic most preachers run away from in order not to offend their congregations: adultery and fornication! Sex outside of marriage is sin. Ladies, stop provocative dressing, men are attracted to what they see.  For fornicators and adulterers will be judged.”

In addition, she went ahead to advise married women on the need to submit totally to husbands. She
also touched on faithfulness among couples.

Blessing, however, admitted to Vanguard that she was not a virgin before she got married but upon realizing the truth, she went off pre-marital sex.

She said: “I wasn’t a virgin but later I came to know the truth. And when I did, I stayed off sex before marriage and after. Then I was a born-again Christian by proxy. You know family values and all of that, but when I had the personal encounter, it changed everything. If judgment had come when I was an adulterer, I would have been on the dark side. I am not forcing anyone. It is the truth that must be told.”

Apart from being an actor, Blessing is a model and businesswoman. She once worked in a bank.

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