Thursday, 22 October 2015


Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:46:00


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Marble nail art is a beautiful thing, it is not the tidiest quickest or easiest way to paint your nails but it is fun and creative. To achieve this just follow the step below and if you don’t get it then watch the video for a more clarified way to create a marble nail art.

  • First step as usual for any nail paint application would be to apply a base coat.
  • After the base coat dries, you can apply a light coat of white paint this would help brighten up your colors but its not a compulsory process.
  • Next is to protect your fingers so they don’t get all messy either you cover them with petroleum jelly or you wrap them with a scotch tape.
  • Choose a special small cup either a shot glass or a paper cup because there is a chance that it wold stain permanently.
  • Cover your table with a newspaper to avoid nail polish spilling on it.
  • Fill the cup with room temperature water, this should keep the nail polish together. Note that filtered water slows the drying of the nail polish giving you time.
  • Choose at least two or three nail polish colors  make sure the bottles are new because old polish sets quickly. Unscrew ll your lids and leave them loose for the next step.
  • Hold the wand over the surface of the water and let a single drop fall. (note some nail polish sink).
  • Repeat the above step with other colors, try three or four drops but 12 is a better amount.
  • Move a tooth pick through the circles to create a design and dip your nail in quickly before it drys.
  • Once you’ve lowered your nail onto the pattern set it straight and hold it there for a few seconds or more to stick.
  • Then lift it out carefully, if the pattern has solidified use a tooth pick to break it apart before lifting your finger then flick away droplets on the news paper to avoid bubbles.
  • Continue with the rest after which clean excesses with a cotton swab. Once dry apply a top coat.
Marble Nail Art Video for better understanding;

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