Thursday, 22 October 2015

Man Beats His Lover's Husband To Death In Front OfHer To Prove His Manhood

Posted By: Yo Blog - 13:32:00


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 A toyboy beat his lover’s husband to death in front of her to “prove his manhood” after she humiliated him with other men..

Cohnor Coleman admitted Sarah Jackson, 38, had been his “secret crush” since he was a teenager babysitting her young sons.

The 24-year-old thought “his dreams had come true” when she told him she wanted them to start a relationship and move in together.

But on successive weekends in April she humiliated him with two other men in The Cavern bar in Richmond, N Yorks - while having a sexual relationship with him.

 It seemed the love of his life had the unsavoury habit of making out with other men despite being married and having a much younger lover.

On the night it all went to hell, Sarah took the husband of a friend into a secluded corner for reasons that can best be imagined. Both Sarah's husband and her younger lover were present in the pub. Her husband Andrew turned a blind eye to his wife's antics, but the boy toy felt humiliated by her actions. One thing led to another and Cohnor beat Andrew to death. He said he wanted to prove his manhood to Sarah because he felt humiliated by her actions.
Even after the crime was commiteed, the woman still told the boy that she loved him. With love like hers, who needs enemies?

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