Tuesday 22 April 2014

To all my ladies out there and guys who wanna be in shape...enjoy

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:54:00


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5 best fat-burning foods

Some foods help trigger your body’s fat-burning centres even before you start lacing up your running shoes of lifting weights, Women’s Health reports.

Almonds and other nuts
Eat them with their skins and raw if possible. They reduce cravings and help build muscle.

Eggs serve the same function as healthy nuts and are an extremely pure source of protein.

Oranges and red vegetables
They provide fibre, beta-carotene and phytochemicals that boost your health instantly!

Fatty fish
Fatty fish help trigger fat burning and keep you full for longer. Try salmon, mackerel and tuna!

Berries are great a great source of antioxidants, they prevent cravings and keep you full.

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