Tuesday 3 December 2013

Five Great Benefits of Eating Carrots

Posted By: Yo Blog - 09:39:00


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If you don't or have never Eaten Carrots before, i think you should start today. Found this enlightening tips online and i decided to share with you guys. *bites carrot*

1. CARDIOVASCULAR BENEFITS; Polyacetylenes in carrts have anti-aggregatory, properties which helps prevent clumping of blood cells.

2. VISION HEALTH BENFITS: Individuals who consume carrots at least twice per week have significantly lower rates of glaucoma.

3. ANTI-CANCER BENEFITS: Carrots are rich in fiber and antioxidants and phylon-nutrients like falcalrinal which helps prevent tumor growth.

4. ANTI-AGING BENEFITS: Beta-caratene in carrots slows down aging of cells by acting as an antioxidant to cell damage.

5. GLOWING SKIN: Vitamins A and antixidants protects the skin from sun damage, wrinkles, acne, dry skin and uneven skin tone.

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