Wednesday, 16 October 2013

An Open Letter To Ladies

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:41:00


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images (9)Dear ladies of the world:
If your boyfriend doesn’t like you hanging out with one of your guy friends, don’t assume that he’s jealous or insecure. Your boyfriend has probably recognized that the guy is trying to sleep with you and you should trust him on this because he knows what he’s talking about. He’s a guy, which makes him an expert on guys and how dumb and creepy they can be.
Please understand that just because you’re “just friends” with the guy that he’s on the same page as you. Some guys are dumb, some guys are creepy, some guys are desperate. And all of those guys are probably just trying to have s*x with you.

Don’t get mad at your boyfriend for trying to prevent this from happening. Don’t think that he doesn’t trust you, either. He just doesn’t trust your guy friend. He sees an emotional trap being set and is just trying to warn you. He sees that this guy is going to try to make you feel bad for being more than just a friend.
Most guys don’t care if you have friends who happen to be guys. It’s not the Middle Ages anymore; of course, you’re allowed to socialize with other dudes. It’s just that there is a difference between a guy that you’re friends with and a guy who’s stuck in the friend zone. The guy in the friend zone is trying to trick you into letting him out of there. The gate to the friend zone is locked with s*x, and he won’t stop looking for the key.
I’m just saying, just because you don’t think that a guy is trying to sleep with you doesn’t mean that he’s not. Trust your boyfriend! He’s an expert on creeps and can spot one from a mile away.

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