Wednesday 16 October 2013

[Advice Needed]: Would He Leave His First Girlfriend For Me? I Am Confused!

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:44:00


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lonelyI’m a 21 year old girl dating a guy who is 28 years of age. We’ve been together for more than a year now and at the beginning when we started dating he told me that he has a girlfriend. I didn’t want that to stop me because I loved him and I still do. We’re still together and the good thing about it is that his girlfriend stays far away from him. So I get to spend more time with him. He treats me so good and he’s always telling me that he loves me, that I’m a very respectful, honest woman and that he’s allowed to marry two wives according to his culture. What worries me is that I keep on asking myself if he’s with me because he really loves me or because his girlfriend stays far away. I’ve tried moving on but trust me he gets very angry and jealous when I do that. What should I do?? I love this guy and I really don’t want to lose him. Every time the girlfriend is around, I make sure that I don’t call or text him because I don’t want him to think that I want to break them up intentionally, but on the other hand I get jealous knowing that she’s with him. Could it be possible that he’s in love with both us or am I being used as a substitute?

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