Saturday 7 September 2013

Nigerian Wives F*CKED Husband To Death!!!!

Posted By: Yo Blog - 15:24:00


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There’s an unconfirmed report that a Nigerian wealthy businessman named Uroko Onoja of Ugbugbu section of the country, was allegedly raped to death by his five wives, who were apparently jealous of the sixth one.
According to reports, Uroko returned home from a bar in Ugbugbu around 3 a.m. on Tuesday and headed for the bedroom of his youngest wife. While he was having sex with her, the five others allegedly attacked him with knives and sticks, demanding that he have sex with all of them too.

Onoja performed admirably under the circumstances, making love to four of his wives before he stopped breathing as the fifth wife climbed into bed with him. The shocked wives then allegedly fled into the forest upon realizing that their husband was dead.
Village chief Okbe Odoh said the matter had been reported to local police, who have reportedly arrested two of the wives.
Onoja’s police report said he was “raped to death.”
The victim was described as “one of the most famous people” in Ugbugbu, a philanthropist who “contributed positively” to his community.

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