Friday 21 June 2013


Posted By: Yo Blog - 17:19:00


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I hope you will post this soon and notify me
when posted..

I have two guys in my life A n B,i
am dating A and we've been together for 2 years
plus but we have ethnic issues,my family
rejected him and swore never to bless the
marriage. B on the other hand is a toaster and he
has been willing to marry me for 3 years now but
i rejected his offer cos i love my guy and could'nt
double-date not knowing my parents wont
accept the i love B is a responsible guy
too and falls within the tribe my parents want but
he does'nt have a job yet,as for A i met him
when he had nothing and we joined hands
together and now things are very ok with
him,GOD HAS BLESSED HIM. now my problem is
choosing between this two,if i choose A,it means
am going to damn my parents and be prepared
for every future consequences of disobedience
but atleast i will be with whom i love and enjoy
what we build together or i go for B who has their
blessing but still struggling to make it which
means i will have to start from the scratch like i
did with mr really in a dilemma

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