Friday 21 June 2013

5 Types Of Women Men Should Avoid

Posted By: Yo Blog - 20:46:00


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Here is a list of women guys should stay away
Women are always quick to state what they
hate about men, trying to prove that it’s them
who should work towards keeping the
relationship going. However, it’s not always
men who are to be blamed. Let’s face it, as
there are things women hate about men, there
are also quite a few things that men hate about
women. Here are few kinds of women that men
tend to stay away from:

Miss clingy
Believed to be every man’s worst fear, this type
of woman frequently verbalises how desperate
she is to get married. Clinginess is a big mix of
insecurity, possessiveness, and other self-
esteem issues. Men generally end up
identifying such women only when they can are
well into a relationship. Though such women
initially appear to be independent, once they
are in a relationship and feels safe, her
neediness begins to manifest.

Miss I, me, myself
Unlike other women, these are the ones most
men will give chance and try to win over,
simply because these women are a challenge.
Because of the strength these women possess
most men tend to avoid commitment with
them. However, they are captivated by this
strength and view winning them over as
conquest. These women have both, the
competitiveness of a man and the sensitivity of
a woman. In an instant, they can switch from
being seductive to emotionally distant. In fact,
they use their hatred for men as a shield to
avoid being hurt.

Miss I’m the best
It is believed that successful women are the
ones men tend to feel threatened by and to an
extent it holds true. Actually, men are not
threatened by successful women, but are of the
opinion that successful women do not need
A lot of women often say that they do not need
a man to make them happy, as they earn good
money, own a house, and have a wonderful
social life. Such women do not depend on men
and this is what puts them off the list. Definitely
men do not want a woman who is totally
dependent on them, but when a confident
woman allows herself to depend on them, man
get flattered.

Miss chatter-box
For a man, a talkative woman is neither good
nor bad. Most women are accused of being too
talkative when, in reality, they are speaking
more simply because they are discussing a
subject that is of great interest to them and not
just because women talk more. In a woman’s
world, everyone speaks together. In the world of
men, it is considered rude to speak out of turn
and one is not to be interrupted by the other
until he’s done. Therefore, when a woman asks
a man a question and he proceeds to answer
her – and then she begins to interject her
opinions for the next 10 minutes – he’ll just quit

Miss read my mind
For some reason, a woman expects her man to
know exactly what she’s thinking at all times.
As a result, she constantly tests him, using his
responses to gauge his level of love. This type
of behaviour should be avoided, as very few
men are interested in dealing with the constant
guessing games.

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